Friday, November 30, 2012

To run 26.2 or not to run 26.2, that is the question

Tomorrow is the St Jude Memphis (Half) Marathon.


Last year, I ran the full marathon (my first!).

This year, I registered for the full marathon.

Last year, I was hurt and 2 months out of training due to my stupid ankles.

This year, I am 2 months out of training because I am a lazy piece of poo.

Last year, it was blazing hot.

This year, it is supposed to be much cooler.

So the question becomes:

Do I run the FULL marathon? Or cash in my pride and duck out at the HALF split?

My plan right now is to stick with the half. I cannot change my registration, but I am allowed to take a right at mile 12 rather than a left, save my legs an additional 13.1 miles, and still get a medal. (The woman at the information desk continues by saying, "But you will not qualify for any awards." Upon which I laugh out loud.)

BUT, and that's a big but (not to be confused with a big butt), what if I am feeling "optimistic" at mile 12? Do I keep going? Do I risk it? A potential injury or DNF? Decisions, decisions.

I feel like a cheater, because my shirt says MARATHON and my bib says MARATHON- am I a lier if I wear my shirt in a few days and people are all like "Whoa, you ran a marathon?!" and I am all "Umm, well, no, but, I registered for one!" Sorry, registering doesn't count. Silly detail, but remember: my mind is a very strange place to live.

If I had to put money down right now, I would say I do the HALF. I am 99.9% sure I will do a half. I will suppress that .1% that is crossing its arms, squinting at me, and saying "You SUCK, ya know that?!" and hold my head high as I cross the 13.1 finish line. Because while part of me may scream FAILURE, another part of me is like YOU JUST RAN A HALF MARATHON, AND THAT IS STILL PRETTY BAD ASS!

BTW. Check out my bib:

SCHECKY! Yea buddy!

Story: One day while out shopping with Kevin, we saw these pens-

You see there? You see the 2nd one down? Shecky The Clown? Yea, that is AWESOME. So now, my loving boyfriend has adopted SCHECKY THE CLOWN as one of my many nicknames. I love it.

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