Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The next big thing

I have been training for the Chicago Marathon since, what, February? Well, not really full out training, but maintaining and allowing time for a very slow, gradual, comfortable, injury-free build-up. I started with about a 10 mile base, and would space my long runs out fortnightly. I was conscious of vacations, trips, events, and anything else that could potentially get in the way of running. So, needless to say, marathon #2 has been on the forefront of my mind for a solid 7 months.

Today at work, someone asked me when my next big race is. In my head, I wanted to respond, "Oh I am doing the Chicago marathon, but that isn't for a while yet." But as I quickly did the math in my head, HOLY SCHNIKIES it is only 3 weeks away!

I have my hotel booked.
I have my train ticket booked.
I have planned my outfit (which is really the most important part of running, wouldn't you agree?).
I ran a 20 miler last weekend (which you will get the juicy update on later this week).
I have my recovery planned.
I have studied the course and have it imprinted in my mind. Ask me the name of the governor and I can't tell you, but ask me the name of the street mile 18.3 is on, and BAM, I gotcha. (It's Ashland Ave, btw.)
I even know what I will binge on post-race. 3 words: MAC N CHEESE. Yes, "N" is a word.

So I mean, it sounds like I am ready, right? RIGHT?!


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